Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wonderful Day!

Today I will be getting married to Mark Antony! I am very excited, people say I'm only marrying him for his power in the goverment, but that's not true I really love him! My past has been with three very powerful men as well, but I do love Mark Antony!


  1. I know your not marrying me for my power! and rumors say I am marrying you only for your money! but we know we are maddly in love and its ok! (posted year 47 B.C.)

  2. Friend Request: I have seen you in the Forum lately! I am interested in why you have married 3 times! please accept my request and i know we will be great friends and possibly marriage partners in a later date if this one doesn't work out... ;D

  3. Accepted: Oh I'd love to get to know you more!!! We should talk later! Nice to meet you bye!

  4. HOW DARE YOU!!! I am very offended! I do not like that you are with other people! we are still married and you are talking about marrying others? who does that! well this is not correct! you should not be ossociating with Jacobus Herbus!
