Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bad Day!

It turns out Mark Antony, really didn't love me. He left me for Octavia, but that's alright. Even though I helped him through a lot of his troubles. I helped defend him through Cicero's attacks and a lot more, but it's okay it's his loss!


  1. Dear Fulvia, I am so sorry that I left you for Octavia. But I love her. and I must confess that while we were married I had an affair with Cleopatra. But honestly I dont regret my past because I am a great man and a great ruler. But you do deserve someone too so go get some man that has money and live a good life. Farewell

  2. Fulvia, that man left me, too. He obviously is unable to control himself. Cleopatra is his new love. After me being his fourth wife, you would think he was satisfied. However, it is what it is. We are only being married in order to keep my brother's and Antony's political relationship strong. Do not take it personally.

  3. Oh my darling! I am so greatful that he has left! My dear Fulvia! I am happy we can be open to everyone else about our affair! Just remember... it was HIS fault! I am sorry you had to try so many times for true love and i'm glad we have found it together! I am deeply in love with you and i will be here for you forever! You mean so much to me! I will love you eternally! I enjoy waking up in the morning and seeing your smiling face! My children are sad of their mother and my divorce but it is ok because we are happy and they love you just as much! we will live happily ever after my love!

  4. Oh, I'm still in love with him. I'll get over it though hopefully.
