Thursday, May 19, 2011

Love Hurts!

Cleopatra and Mark have formed an allience and have become lovers. They spent there winter in Alexandria together. I am so very hurt. I thought he loved me. I guess not.


Febuary 40 BC today Octavian made Lucius surrender. I had to go back to Greece with my children and I met Antony in Athens. He was very upset with my involvment in the war, then Antony sailed back to Rome to deal with Octavian.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bad Day!

It turns out Mark Antony, really didn't love me. He left me for Octavia, but that's alright. Even though I helped him through a lot of his troubles. I helped defend him through Cicero's attacks and a lot more, but it's okay it's his loss!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wonderful Day!

Today I will be getting married to Mark Antony! I am very excited, people say I'm only marrying him for his power in the goverment, but that's not true I really love him! My past has been with three very powerful men as well, but I do love Mark Antony!